How to Connect Internet From Galaxy y Phone To PC or Laptop

"Hi Friends,
Please advise me How to connect my galaxy y phone internet to my PC using the Data cable."

This is my Friends E-mail. Most my friends ask me how to connect  internet From android phone to PC or laptop. It is simple, You can follow below simple steps.

  • : Install SAMSUNG Kies Software Your PC or Laptop.
  • : Connect your android phone to PC or Laptop using Data cable.
  • : Go to your Android phone Menu > Settings > Wireless and Networks 
  • : Select Mobile Networks > Tic Use packet data 
  • : Select Tethering and portable hotspot > Tic USB tethering
Now you can see your status bar blue icon and HSDPA icon. Now your android phone connected to internet. You can internet your PC or Laptop. Browsing and enjoy.  


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  3. 'Y' stands for 'Young' in Samsung's Galaxy-branded mobile universe and this diddy handset is clearly designed to fit into tiny hands and pockets.

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  5. coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

  6. I follow this step but not connect mobile to laptop internet.
    so please help me.......

    1. maybe you have to download the drivers of your mobile. So by typing "usb driver samsung galaxy ... (followed by exactly your specific mobile). Then install these drivers and check in control panel, device manager if your mobile is completely recogniced (so no ! marks anymore). That should do the trick

  7. awe some and thanx i can use it on my pc also ☺☻

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  10. How to use the samsung galaxy Y as modem for my laptop.which type of setting and configuration is needed for making the samsung galaxy Y. at&t home phone

  11. Really great one..!

    Helped me connect my laptop with the Net using my Galaxy y mobile.

    Thanks a lot..!

  12. I'm having internet connection in pc but not in galaxy y. So I wanna connect internet FROM pc To my galaxy y.

  13. still i am nt able to connrct my phone to laptop plzzzzzz help m frndsssssssss

  14. I AM LOVING IT............

    THANKS A LOT...........

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  18. from where i get this software//??
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  20. Very useful description of connecting galaxy y phone internet to a PC. I just want to know if it is possible to connect from galaxy phone to PC via any other way other than data cable, for example WiFi or Bluetooth. Thanks!
