Fake Call - (Call Faker)

The method of application which we called as FAKE CALL is a totally fake.we can surprise any person using this apps. The time, phone number, and voice is a asset which we can included before the time we wanted that relevant call. according  to the right time we can see a result.

What is the result ? 

What does it do?
-It makes your phone ring with a contact and/or name and number, giving the illusion that you're receiving a call from said person. You can set the time that it goes off.
-You can use it to get out of meetings, bad dates, funerals, etc.

we believe that this application will be more useful for a young generation and enjoy with this apps more and more.you can download this application though the google play store .get it freely.

Download this application : Go to play store > type call Faker > select apps  

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Fattin | Data Toggle apps - Mobile Data ON/OFF switch

Most android phone and tablet have a problem, Battery life is noticeably longer. Battery performance is one of the biggest problems in android devices. I think usually goes in and out of 4G/3G & it kills on battery. Fix this problem use data toggle widget. Provide the widget to user to turn on/off mobile data (3G/HSDPA/CDMA/LTE) by using the widget. I think this apps most useful. You can get this application free by using google play store.

  • Go to google play store > Type fattin data toggle

  • Select fattin data toggle apps> select install > select download & install

  • Go to home screen > press home icon > select add

  • Select Widgets > select Fattin| Data Toggle apps.

 Now you can see your home screen Fattin| Data Toggle apps icon. Press it on/off 3G.

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